Signs of Revival Already


Does not Revelation 22:17, point to a revival in the days just before the Lord comes?

  “The Spirit and the Bride says Come.” The Spirit says, Come. His work completed, the Church, the Bride of Christ, is ready for the nuptial day. The Bride also says, Come, doubtless by the Spirit. Does this not clearly indicate a revival of bridal affection in the church? I am sure that it does.

  “And let him that hears say, Come.” If the revival comes to the church as such, this goes out to the individual saint, who may perhaps know nothing of the doctrine of the assembly, but whose heart responds to the truth of the Lord’s Coming.

  “And let him that is athirst, come.” How blessed to hear the yearning cry. “Come,” from the heart of the Bride, bringing the response from the Bridegroom in that He says, “Come,” to the thirsty one. Is this not true evangelism?

  “And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” So the heart of God goes out just at the last lap of the Church’s history to “whosoever will.”

I AM SURE THERE WILL BE A REVIVAL; indeed, I see signs of it in a marked way already. A revival, first, of love for the Lord and yearning for His return, and with that, perforce, a revival of gospel interest on the part of the Lord’s people. The one produces the other.

It will be a revival amid the darkening shadows of apostasy. Laodicea will gather force as it nears the end, but Philadelphia will experience a revival, the one to be spued out, the other to be raptured, both taking place at the Lord’s coming, by the fact of the one being left behind and the other translated.

This we gather from Revelation 22:17, and Revelation 3:10-12.

Yours in the hope of His blessed return,