STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : Hymns by Anonymous
51 ABBA, Father, we adore Thee
93 THE manner of Thy mighty love
154 OUR Father we would worship
176 LORD, we shall see Thee as Thou art
200 FATHER, how precious unto Thee
203 LORD Jesus, Lamb of God
231 TO Thee our God, with joy we sing
269 WE love to sing Thy praises
271 O GOD, through Christ we sing
288 O THOU, whose mercies far exceed
329 WE thank Thee, Lord, for weary days
362 OH! what a Saviour is Jesus the Lord
368 THERE is no other name than Thine
378 LORD Jesus, our Redeemer
380 WHAT love it was that brought Thee down
382 LOVE bound Thee to the altar
408 CHRIST is risen: sound His praise
410 ETERNAL Word, eternal Son
424 THOUGH faint yet pursuing we go on our way
457 MASTER, we would no longer be
473 OUR God and Father, Thou hast made
475 OUR tongues must spread the Saviour's fame
481 THE light of life we see Thee now
491 WE praise Thee, our Father and God