STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 39: ON His Father's throne is seated

39: ON His Father's throne is seated

by Miss Hannah Kilham Burlingham (1842-1901)

sung to Regent Square midi score
by H. T. Smart (1813-1879)

1 ON His Father's throne is seated
Christ the Lord, the living One,
All His toil on earth completed,
All His work for sinners done:
In the glory
See Him, God's eternal Son.

2 Every knee shall bow before Him,
Every tongue confess His name;
Ransomed myriads shall adore Him,
Who endured the sinner's shame:
From the glory
God doth now His worth proclaim.

3 Man the cross to Him awarded;
Man the Saviour crucified;
This world's judgment stands recorded,
God's own justice satisfied!
By the glory
Christ was claimed on earth who died.

4 Son of God, His incarnation
Opened first the tale of grace;
Son of Man, in new creation
Leader of a chosen race!
Well may glory
Crown Him, in the ordered place!

Alternative tunes (

Calvary midi score
Cwm Rhondda midi score
Mannheim midi score
Melbourne midi score
Neander midi score
Praise My Soul midi score
Rousseau midi score
Stanford midi score