
"It is not good that the man should be alone" Gen. 2:18.

"If he came in alone, he shall go out alone" Ex. 21:3 N.Tr.

"Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone" John 12:24.

In bringing Adam into such a wonderful garden of delights, and into such an exalted place as head of the lower creation, God did not intend that he should be alone. His purpose was that man should have a companion, one suitable to be united to him, who could enter into all his thoughts and feelings, share with him his glory in the garden, and be the object of his heart's affections. From the New Testament we learn that in Adam and Eve, God had Christ and the church in view (Eph. 5:32). According to God's eternal counsels, Christ became Man, to be the centre and Head of a vast universe filled with glory and blessing; and in those counsels God gave Christ a companion, one in whom He could find His joy and pleasure, and who would share in the display of His glory. This favoured companion of the Christ of God has been derived from Him, and is therefore suitable for union with Him. Such is the church: composed of those who once were sinners far from God, but who have been cleansed from all their sins, quickened out of death, and formed in new creation power in Christ. God thus produces the fair companion of His Christ, upon whom He can lavish His affections, and with whom He can share all His thoughts, feelings, and glory.

The Hebrew servant who came in alone beautifully typifies the Lord Jesus Christ coming into the world, and entering into the place of a bondman, even as we read in Philippians 2:6-8 "Who being in the form of God … took upon him the form of a servant … and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." Like the Hebrew servant the Lord Jesus loved His Master (John 14:31), His wife (Eph. 5:25), and His children (Heb. 2:13); and therefore went to the cross, the place of piercing, to possess for ever the loved ones He had secured by becoming a bondman. But to have His loved ones for ever the Lord must remain in the place of subjection for ever, and this we find Him doing in 1 Corinthians 15:27-28. So that He might not be alone, the Son as Man will remain for eternity in the subject place, with His Master, His wife and His children; while still having the part, ever His with the Father and the Holy Spirit, where God is all in all.

No intelligent Christian can fail to see that the Corn of Wheat is figurative of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Him was life, but ere life could be communicated to His own, the Son of God must die; and except He die, he must for ever remain alone in His own precious, holy, heavenly life. How the necessity for Christ's death is brought out in each of these lovely figures! Adam must have his deep sleep to have his Eve; the Hebrew servant must be pierced to have his loved ones; the corn of wheat must die to secure the much fruit. But Christ will not be alone, He will have a great company for the joy and satisfaction of His heart, the fruit of the travail of His soul; "much fruit;" "many brethren;" "many sons." When the glad universe, redeemed from the effects of sin, looks upon Christ and the great company that shares His glory, it will see the One who came in alone, but who will nevermore be alone.