The Unleavened Cake

Leviticus 2.

Christ, as a divine Person, had the title of an independent will. "The Son quickens whom He will"; but He came to do His Father's will. His will was obedience, sinless therefore, and perfect. Leaven, in the Word, is the symbol of corruption — "the leaven of malice and wickedness." In the cake, therefore, which was to be offered as a sweet savour to God, there was no leaven: where leaven was, it could not be offered as a sweet savour to God. This is thrown into relief by the converse: there were cakes made with leaven, and it was forbidden to offer them as sweet savour, an offering made by fire. This occurred in two cases, one of which, the most important and significative, and sufficing to establish the principle, is noticed in this chapter.
J. N. Darby.