
Short Papers on Church History,

by Andrew Miller. Vols. 1. 2. CR. 8vo, Cloth.

1876 144 We have long desired to bring this work before our readers; and the recent publication of a second volume, which brings the history from A.D. 814 down to 1529, gives the fitting opportunity. In a third volume, the hope is, if the Lord will, that it may be continued till our own day.

The author has spared no pains to present a thoroughly fair account of the main facts of Christendom, and of the men who have taken a prominent part in it for good or ill. Unpretending in form it is no mere compendium of Dupin, Milner, or Mosheim. All that the more recent researches and discussions of Greenwood, Milman, Neander, J. C. Robertson, Waddington, and many other labourers in the ecclesiastical field have been able to glean, is here laid under contribution: so that no single work contains such a full and reliable view of all that is important to be known by the intelligent christian reader. But there are other features which distinguish these two compact volumes from others, however able or elaborate. It is the first ecclesiastical history from the pen of one who, with ardent love for souls and marked blessing from the Lord in the practical work of evangelizing, combines an adequate knowledge of what the church really is, as the body of Christ and the house of God; the first, consequently, with the right sense of what is due to the Lord's glory in both respects.

The Gospel of Our Salvation.

Ephesians 1:13. H. F. Witherby.

1877 380 This little book of 254 pp consists of twenty brief and pithy papers, in large and clear type, on the gospel and its results to the believer. Each topic — Forgiveness, Peace, Redeemed from Judgment, Brought to God, The eternal efficacy of the blood of Christ, The fruit of the tree, The root of the tree, Dead in sins, Alive in Christ, etc. — is illustrated with apt anecdotes or comparisons in illustration of the truth sought to be conveyed. Many of our readers will be thankful to know of such a work; for the need of souls is great, and a considerable variety is here given in a small space.

Our Lord's Coming Again: His Appearing and Reign.

1877 380 Six Lectures by Thomas Neatby.

The subjects are: 1. The Morning Star. 2. A Thief in the Night. 3. The Sun of Righteousness. 4. The Stone cut without hands. 5. Give the king Thy judgments, O God. 6. The glory which Thou gavest Me, I have given them. This will very simply and in the fewest words indicate the plan and aim of the volume, which is heartily recommended to the christian reader, and even for others, who, knowing not the Lord, are often appealed to throughout.