Two Old Letters


4, Lloyd STREET,

October 28th, 1841.

My dear brother in the Lord,

It is blessed to have joy in the sense of giving joy to Him who loved us and gave His Son to the death for us, and blessed is it also to be able to stand by and share in that twofold joy. I feel this while writing to acknowledge the safe arrival of your letter. To give and to receive money seem little things to the mind of man, but not so when the Lord is in the gift or the reception - then it is an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice acceptable, well-pleasing to God. Strong words, dear brother, but true and leading into rich blessing, "But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

I have not many refreshments from the saints' walk here below (though I know my labour is not in vain in the Lord), yet my soul has been greatly refreshed, and so have the souls of many others, in the care and love shown towards the poor saints of London by our brethren, both in the Isle of Wight and in Marlboro', and I can assure you it has lifted up my heart in praise.

I desire to come and see you soon if the Lord will grant me that favour. I now merely write in the way of business to acknowledge the safe arrival of the money sent.

With much affection,

Your brother and fellow,




June 1st, 1842.

My dear brother,

I have written to our sister, but the case is one which seems to me that the Lord alone can compass. The great thing will be to endeavour to get her soul into communion and dependence upon God, so that she may be able to judge anything in her own character which, though not seen by man, may have been the cause of her doing this or that thing to grieve the Lord. Often in such cases a feeling of "the rights of the case," instead of "what is consistent with grace," and a sense of one's "OWN COMPETENCY FOR BUSINESS," instead of one's "HEAVENLY, PILGRIM, NAZARITE CHARACTER," leads us to take steps which lead to things which become the corrective of the very character in us, which the Spirit of the Lord saw to be unlike that of Jesus.

I know so little of the case in detail that I find myself quite unable to form any satisfactory judgment upon it; but I am sure that if she will turn to the Lord and Him only in the matter, and make Him her burden-bearer, and ask for grace to be contented to have His will performed and not her own, she will find present rest and future blessing.

Deuteronomy 1 is a very interesting chapter to me in connection with such cases. Of course if she comes to town she will let me see her. Our kind love to - and to all the saints.

Your brother,

G. V. W. *

*These two letters were recently found among the papers of a brother who has departed to be with Christ. ED.