Aids to Believers

Dr. C. J. Davis.

{Sections within arrow brackets <> in the following articles are from an older (first?) edition. — Ed. STEM.
Footnotes attributed to 'ED.' are presumed to be by Walter Scott.}


A. — The Personal Return of the Lord Jesus.
1. The Blessing and the Blesser.
2. "Every eye shall see Him."
3. His Personal Return.
4. "Even so, Come, Lord Jesus."
5. Summary.

B. — The Lord's Supper and the Lord's Table.
1. Whom does the Lord invite as worthy Partakers?
2. Unbelievers cannot be Communicants.
3. The Object which Communicants have in coming together to break bread.
4. Summary.

C. — A Scriptural Inquiry as to what is the Church, or the Assembly of God.
1. An Essential Truth.
2. The Church NOT the Jewish Nation.
3. The Gentiles NOT the Church.
4. Persons Gathered on the Ground of God's Assembly, etc., etc.

D. — Christian Ministry: its Source, Object, Relationship, and Directorship, etc.
1. What is the Source of Ministry.
2. The Direction and Object of Ministry.
3. Ministry in relation to the Assembly and the World.
4. Offices in Local Gatherings.
5. Summary and Appendix.

E. — Help for Enquirers.
1. Introduction.
2. The Law and God's Righteousness.
3. The Sabbath and the Lord's Day.
4. Sanctification.
5. Confession of Sins.
6. The Lord's Prayer.
7. Faith and Repentance.
8. The Church.
9. Ministry.
10. Seven Hints to Young Believers.

Preface {to later edition}

Having been requested by the Publisher to carefully revise the valuable work of the late Dr. Davis, I have pleasure in doing so.

I know of no work of a similar kind. The subjects treated of cover a wide and interesting circle of truth, and are of commanding interest, while the gracious spirit, so characteristic of the author, pervades the whole book. Dr. Davis possessed in no ordinary degree the faculty of communicating his thoughts, whether in oral or written ministry, with remarkable clearness and unction; and the Christian reader may rest assured that Aids to Believers is a book which may be read with much profit to himself and others. Walter Scott.