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J. N. Darby.
(Notes and Comments Vol. 2.)
- 23. "For you"; one MS. (182), Kennicott, has "for them." I should have suspected l'cha "for thee," "for thyself."
- 1. There is no "then"; the only note of time is "In the days of David."
- 15. The war was rather on the part of Israel against the Philistines. The war was against the Philistines.
- 24. Not iniquity, i.e., indwelling sin, but that which would have been iniquity for him if he had done it; this is the true sense of it.
- 8. It is to be noted that these statements contain no complete recital of the facts, but merely what redounds to the glory of the person named in what happened. "Whom he slew" is a mis-translation; the stood) against eight hundred who were slain at one time. I have some doubt if 474, a good M.S., Kennicott, be not right, "The wise man"; however he is called in 1 Chronicles 11:11, "Son of Hachmoni"* (margin).
{*"Hachmoni" is "wise" or "a wise man."}
- 11. Shammah is omitted in Chronicles, and his deeds are ascribed to Dodo's son, Eleazar. They were very likely both there, but I should doubt it was the same occasion. This is a foraging expedition for plunder; 1 Chronicles hardly so. The language, however, is nearly identical.
Except Abishai and Shammah, the first twelve were the monthly captains.
198 2 Samuel 24
- 6. Dan-jaan. Dan is evidently not Laish; it was a name known long before, as may be seen by Jor-dan. This is confirmed by the comparison of Deuteronomy 34:1 with this verse, where we see Dan-jaan was above Gilead, "All the land of Gilead unto Dan." Joshua 19:47 is evidently an insertion subsequently to complete the history, verses 46 and 48 very apparently coalesce when it is left out. It is one of the proofs of the careful revision of the records under the prophets.
- 9. In Chronicles 1,100,000, but there all the males of Israel - grown men. Here Judah on the contrary given as a whole in round numbers; here formed men of war. In Chronicles I suppose more exactly. Note here the 800,000 were Ish-khayil (valiant men), the sum of the male population was greater, i.e., 1,100,000 without Benjamin and Levi. The men of Judah are taken in general here, they are not given as Ish-khayil; hence in round numbers. In 1 Chronicles 21:5, the men of Israel are not the Ish-khayil. If this word be sought with a concordance, its force is very plain, as Judges 3:29; 1 Samuel 31:12; so with B'ney (sons of, i.e., sons of strength, soldiers).
NOTE. - We say "Come"; the Jewish remnant "How long?" So the saints when speaking of vengeance and judgment. Christ to Israel, man on earth, "How long shall I be with you?" How we see the difference everywhere!