J. N. Darby.
Under the law you could not look even at the reflection of the glory because it came as a legal claim on man. You never get the light of God shining into a man's heart without the conscience being awakened: under the law the glory became a ministry of death and condemnation, now when I see the glory I see it in the face of Him who was hanging on the cross for my sins - and what does it mean? It means that the whole question has been settled entirely and exclusively between God and Christ upon the cross and man had no part in it whatever except the sins which He bore - and this is both our shame and our comfort.
The power of God is this complete redemption clearing away my sins and everything that was against me. Christ met the whole case and He is in the glory by virtue of the work He has accomplished and the testimony to me is, the man who has borne my sins is in the glory, a man against whom Satan did his worst is in the glory, all that I get by seeing the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Food for the Flock 8 (1882), p. 12-13
The way that I go up to the Judgment Seat is by Christ having such delight in me that He comes to meet me and takes me there Himself, glorified already. At the end of the world He does not come. He sits on the Great White Throne and heaven and earth flee away from before His face; that is not coming!
When the ten virgins first go forth it is to meet the Bridegroom, and when they are awake [awakened?] from their slumbers they are recalled to what they began with: “Go ye forth to meet Him.”
To hold myself dead is my privilege, for Christ has died but it is my necessity for my testimony. Death so wrought in Paul, that only life wrought from him to the Corinthians: that is testimony.
Food for the Flock 4 (1877), p. 324.
Death so wrought in Paul that only life wrought from him to the Corinthians: that is testimony.
The old ministry gave neither strength, nor life, nor object.
If I get the glory in heaven it is the cross that suits it here! [?]
I would notice a beautiful thing as to those words “made of a woman, made under law.” It shews how completely Christ met the whole case. The woman brought in sin and the law brought in transgression and Christ meets both! Come of a woman, and made under law.
Food for the Flock 5 (1878), p. 234