Our God and Father, we rejoice before Thee;
In Christ made high, we bless Thy holy Name;
He has disclosed Thy love, and we adore Thee
Revealed by Him who from the glory came.
Ere worlds were framed in highest splendour dwelling
The Spirit and the Son with Thee were one;
Jesus came forth the heavenly glories telling,
And now the Spirit shows what He has done.
Not by the world is known, O righteous Father,
Thy Name, though all things have in Thee their Source;
“Not of the world” are those who know Thy favour,
’Tis through the Saviour’s death they reap its stores.
Thy words were spoken and Thy work completed
By Jesus for Thy glory here below;
Upon Thy Throne as Man we see Him seated,
And we the nearness of Thy loved One know.
Hallowed Thy Name in sanctity and blessing,
In truth, compassion, majesty and grace;
The robe, the ring, the shoes Thou giv’st expressing
Thy joy to have us near in sonship’s place.
And, oh the life which was with Thee, the Father—
So richly manifest by Christ, the Son—
In Him with holy blessedness for ever
Is ours, nor ends though endless ages run.
Oh, holy Father, grant that we, confiding
In Thine eternal love, may glorify
Thy Name, and prove the sweetness of abiding
In Him who made Thee known and brought us nigh.