How Perfect was the Lord Jesus!

W. H. Westcott.

Holy from His birth, intrinsically so, He had nothing in common with the pursuits of this sinful world. There was no home for Jesus here. His affections and all the activities of His holy being were trained on what suited God. His meat was to do His will. As Man, He fixed His heart Godward, and found in God all that man could desire. In Him the devil was given the lie. The enemy of our race had subtly infused into the first man's mind that he could do better for himself if he shook off the allegiance to the Deity, and acted contrary to God. In Jesus we see the new order of Man, the woman's Seed, destroying the works of the devil. His heart — with all its affections so infinitely pure, His mind — with all its powers so great, His will — all steadfast and true, found unceasing and unchanging delight in God. He reposed there, He retired there, His communion lay there, in God.