Little Flock 1881 Edition
Section 2.
51 C.M.
Jesus, our Lord! we know Thy name,
Thy name is all our trust;
Thou wilt not put our souls to shame,
Nor let our hope be lost.
Firm as Thy life the promise stands,
And Thou canst well secure
What we've committed to Thy hands,
Till the appointed hour.
Then wilt Thou own us each by name
Before Thy Father's face;
And in the new Jerusalem
Give us our blood-bought place.
52 L.M.D.
Lord, we are Thine: bought by Thy blood.
Once the poor guilty slaves of sin,
But Thou redeemedst us to God,
And mad'st Thy Spirit dwell within;
Thou hast our sinful wanderings borne
With love and patience all divine;
As brands, then, from the burning torn,
We own that we are wholly Thine.
Lord, we are Thine: Thy claims we own,
Ourselves to Thee we'd wholly give;
Reign Thou within our hearts alone,
And let us to Thy glory live;
Here let us each Thy mind display,
In all Thy gracious image shine;
And haste that long-expected day
When Thou shalt own that we are Thine.
The Son He left God's throne above
(So free, so infinite His grace!)
Emptied Himself, and then in love
Bled for our lost, our ruined race:
'Tis mercy, all beyond our thought,
That us to God in Jesus brought.
No condemnation now we dread,
Jesus is ours, prepared our place,
Our life in Him, our hidden Head,
Himself our righteousness thro' grace,
Bold we approach the heavenly throne,
Heirs of the crown He for us won.
54 C.M.
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
In a believer's ear!
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear.
It makes the wounded spirit whole,
It calms the troubled breast;
'Tis manna to the hungry soul,
And to the weary rest.
Blest name! the rock on which we build,
Our shield and hiding-place;
Our never-failing treasury, filled
With boundless stores of grace.
Jesus! our Saviour, Shepherd, Friend,
Thou Prophet, Priest, and King;
Our Lord, our Life, our Way, our End,
Accept the praise we bring.
Weak is the effort of our heart,
And cold our warmest thought;
But when we see Thee as Thou art,
We'll praise Thee as we ought.
Till then we would Thy love proclaim
With every fleeting breath;
And triumph in Thy blessed name
Which quells the power of death.
55 S.M.
Through waves, through clouds and storms,
God gently clears the way;
We wait His time; so shall the night
Soon end in blissful day.
He everywhere hath sway,
And all things serve His might;
His every act pure blessing is,
His path unsullied light.
When He makes bare His arm,
Who shall His work withstand?
When He His people's cause defends,
Who then shall stay His hand?
We leave it to Himself
To choose and to command,
With wonder filled, we soon shall see
How wise, how strong His hand!
We comprehend Him not,
Yet earth and heaven tell
God sits as sov'reign on the throne
And ruleth all things well.
O Lord, how blest our journey,
Though here on earth we roam,
Who find in Abba's favour
Our spirit's present home:
For where Thou now art sitting
By faith we've found repose,
Free to look up to heaven,
Since our blest Head arose.
In spirit there already;
Soon we ourselves shall be
In soul and body perfect,
All glorified with Thee:
Thy Father's love sustains us
Along the thorny way,
Thy Father's house, the dwelling
Made ready for that day.
The Comforter, now present,
Assures us of Thy love;
He is the blessed earnest
Of glory there above;
The river of Thy pleasure
Is what sustains us now,
Till Thy new name's imprinted
On every sinless brow.
Lord, we await Thy glory;
We have no home but there,
Where the adopted family
With us Thy joy shall share.
No place can fully please us
Where Thou, O Lord, art not;
In Thee, and with Thee, ever
Is found, by grace, our lot.
On the Lamb our souls are resting,
What His love no tongue can say,
All our sins, so great, so many,
In His blood are washed away.
Sweetest rest and peace have filled us,
Sweeter praise than tongue can tell,
God is satisfied with Jesus,
We are satisfied as well.
Conscience now no more condemns us,
For His own most precious blood
Once for all has washed and cleansed us,
Cleansed us in the eyes of God.
Filled with this sweet peace for ever,
On we go, through strife and care,
Till we find that peace around us
In the Lamb's high glory there.
58 C.M.
Lord! who can pay the mighty debt
Of love so rich as Thine?
Love, which surpasseth finding out,
Unspeakable, divine!
O rather give us, daily, more
More every hour to see
That such a bounteous Giver Thou,
We must Thy debtors be.
59 C.M.
Wisdom! Jehovah's first delight,
The everlasting Son!
Before the first of all His works,
Creation, was begun;
Before the skies and watery clouds,
Before the solid land;
Before the fields, before the floods,
Thou wast at His right hand!
When He adorned the arch of heaven
And built it, Thou wast there,
To order where the sun should rise,
And marshal every star.
When ocean's bed was measured out,
And spread the hoary deep,
Thou gav'st the flood a firm decree
In its own bounds to keep.
When, hung amid the empty space,
The earth was balanced well,
With joy Thou saw'st the mansion where
The sons of men should dwell.
Jesus! from everlasting days
Thy thoughts upon us ran;
Ere sin was known, ere Adam's dust
Was fashioned into man.
Our thanks to God most high!
The Father of our Lord,
The Saviour-God is He,
And be His name adored!
O God, Thy mercy shall endure,
Thy word abide for ever sure.
He sent His only Son
And saved us from our woe
From Satan, guilt, and hell,
And every hurtful foe.
Thy mercy, Lord. shall still endure,
Thy Word abide forever sure.
Give thanks aloud to God,
To God your praises bring,
To God upon His throne
His works and glories sing.
Thy power and grace are still the same,
Let endless praise exalt His name.
How wondrous the glories that meet
In Jesus, and from His face shine,
His love is eternal and sweet,
'Tis human, 'tis also divine!
His glory not only God's Son
In manhood He had His full part
And the union of both joined in one
Form the fountain of love in His heart.
The merits and worth of His blood
Have freed us from hell and from fear,
That we, as the blest sons of God,
May make His good pleasure our care.
O then may this union and love
Make us walk in the service of heaven,
'Mid obedience and suffering to prove
That we to the Lamb have been given.
In the Lord we have redemption,
Full remission in His blood;
From the curse entire exemption,
From the curse pronounced by God:
What a Saviour Jesus is!
O what grace, what love is His!
Sweet His name, that name transcending
Every name on earth, in heaven;
Praise through ages never-ending,
To the Son of God be given!
He alone the Saviour is,
Everlasting praise be His.
When wandering far from the Father's abode,
The heart full of pride and hatred to God,
The children of darkness, of Satan the slaves,
'Twas Jesus redeemed us His merit that saves.
Our sins on the cross He on Calvary bore,
He blotted them out and they are no more;
Now pardoned and washed we boldly draw near,
And cry, "Abba, Father!" unhindered by fear.
Despised by the world, we're strangers below,
But called to heaven we cheerfully go;
The Lord is our Leader; and, strong in His might,
Tho' Satan opposes we fight the good fight.
We look for the day when Jesus shall come,
And take His blood-purchased brethren home;
When we shall behold all His glory and grace,
And a heaven be found in the light of His face.
64 S.M.
Oh bright and blessed scenes!
Where sin can never come,
Whose sight our longing spirit weans
From earth where yet we roam.
And can we call our home
Our Father's house on high,
The rest of God our rest to come,
Our place of liberty?
Yes! in that light unstained,
Our stainless souls shall live,
Our heart's deep longings more than gained,
When God His rest shall give.
His presence there, my soul,
Its rest, its joy untold,
Shall find when endless ages roll,
And time shall ne'er grow old.
Our God the centre is,
His presence fills that land,
And countless myriads owned as His,
Round Him adoring stand.
Our God whom we have known,
Well known in Jesus' love,
Rests in the blessing of His own,
Before Himself above.
Glory supreme is there,
Glory that shines through all,
More precious still that love to share
As those that love did call.
Like Jesus in that place
Of light and love supreme;
Once Man of Sorrows, full of grace,
Heaven's blest and endless theme.
Like Him! O grace supreme!
Like Him before Thy face,
Like Him to know that glory beam
Unhindered face to face.
O love supreme and bright!
Good to the feeblest heart,
That gives us now, as heavenly light,
What soon shall be our part.
O how the thought that I shall know
The Man that suffer'd here below,
To manifest God's favour
For me, and for the saints I love,
Both here, and with Himself above,
Doth my renewed nature move
At that sweet word, "For ever!"
For ever to behold Him shine!
For evermore to call Him mine!
And see Him still before me;
For ever on His face to gaze,
And meet the full assembled rays,
While all His beauty He displays
To all the saints in glory!
Not all things else are half so dear
As is His blissful presence here,
What will it be in heaven!
'Tis heaven on earth that we can say,
As now we journey, day by day,
"Himself has borne our guilt away,
Our sins are all forgiven."
But how will His celestial voice
Make each enraptured heart rejoice,
Of saints in glory near Him!
When we no longer absent wait,
But like Him in His glorious state,
Where nought our bless can e'er abate,
With joy in heaven shall hear Him!
Go, and search the tomb of Jesus,
Where the Lord of glory lay;
Jesus is not there, but risen,
And has borne our sins away,
It is finished!
Captive led captivity.
Could not all our sins retain Him,
Prisoned in the guarded cave?
These He blotted out in dying,
By His cross He spoiled the grave:
Lo! He's risen!
Yes, the Lord is risen indeed.
67 L.M.
Like Thee, O Lord how wondrous fair,
Lord Jesus, all Thy members are;
A life divine to them is given
The bright inheritance of heaven.
Just as we were we came to Thee,
As heirs of wrath and misery;
Just as Thou art now we are Thine,
We stand in righteousness divine.
Just as Thou art nor doubt, nor fear,
Can e'er to those like Thee be near,
O boundless love! as Thee we're seen
The "righteousness of God in Him."
Just as Thou art O blissful ray
That turned our darkness into day!
That woke us from our death of sin
To know our perfectness in Him.
Soon, soon, 'mid joys on joys untold,
Thou wilt this grace and love unfold,
And worlds on worlds adoring see
The part Thy members have in Thee.
Thy name we bless, Lord Jesus,
That name all names excelling,
How great Thy love, all praise above,
Should every tongue be telling.
The Father's loving-kindness
In giving Thee was shewn us;
Now by Thy blood redeemed to God,
As children He doth own us.
From that eternal glory
Thou hadst with God the Father,
He gave His Son that He in one
His children all might gather;
Our sins were laid on Thee,
God's wrath Thou hast endured;
It was for us Thou sufferedst thus,
And hast our peace secured.
Thou from the dead was raised
And from all condemnation
Thy saints are free, as risen in Thee,
Head of the new creation!
On high Thou hast ascended,
To God's right hand in heaven,
The Lamb once slain, alive again
To Thee all power is given.
Thou hast bestowed the earnest
Of that we shall inherit;
Till Thou shalt come to take us home,
We're sealed by God the Spirit.
We wait for Thine appearing,
When we shall know more fully
The grace divine that made us Thine,
Thou Lamb of God most holy!
69 L.M.
Thou, Lamb of God! didst shed Thy blood,
Thou didst our load of misery bear;
And hast exalted us to share
The rank of kings and priests to God.
To Thee we render evermore
The honour, glory, praise that's due;
Might, power, and obedience, too,
And in our hearts we Thee adore.
Amen! Amen!
O Lord, Amen!
Sov'reign grace o'er sin abounding:
Ransomed souls the tidings swell!
'Tis a deep that knows no sounding;
Who its length or breadth can tell?
Saved by Christ, we're free for ever,
This the Spirit's voice declares!
Death, nor life, nor aught can sever
Jesus from the chosen heirs.
Souls above, in His communion,
Now with Him from conflict rest,
While below, with Christ in union,
We can sing how saints are blest.
O Jesus! everlasting God!
Who didst for sinners shed Thy blood
Upon th'accursed tree;
And, finishing redemption's toil,
Didst win for us the happy spoil
All praise we give to Thee.
Fain would we think upon Thy pain,
Would find in Thee our life and gain,
And firmly fix our heart
Upon Thy grief and dying love,
Nor evermore from Thee remove.
Though from all else we part.
The more through grace ourselves we know,
The more rejoiced we are to bow
And glory in Thy cross;
To trust in Thine atoning blood,
And look to Thee for every good,
And count all else but dross.
72 C.M.
Well may we sing! with triumph sing,
The great Redeemer's praise!
The glories of the living God,
Revealed in Jesu's face.
The love of God it was that sought
From sin to set us free;
That gave the Son, whose precious blood
Has wrought our liberty.
In Him we read the Father's love,
And find eternal peace;
We meet in Him a Saviour-God,
And fear and terror cease.
Then gladly sing, and sound abroad
The great Redeemer's praise;
The glories of the living God,
The riches of His grace!
73 L.M.
The Lord of life in death hath lain,
To clear me from all charge of sin;
And, Lord, from guilt of crimson stain
Thy precious blood hath made me clean.
And now a righteousness divine
Is all my glory, all my trust;
Nor will I fear since that is mine,
While Thou dost live, and God is just.
Clad in this robe, how bright I shine!
Angels possess not such a dress;
Angels have not a robe like mine
Jesus, the Lord's my righteousness.
The day of glory bearing
Its brightness far and near,
The day of Christ's appearing
We now no longer fear.
He once a spotless victim
For us on Calvary bled;
Jehovah did afflict Him,
And bruised Him in our stead.
To Him by grace united,
We joy in Him alone;
And now by faith delighted,
Behold Him on the throne.
Then let Him come on glory,
Who comes His saints to raise,
To perfect all the story
Of wonder, love and praise.
Thy mercy, O God, is the theme of my song,
The joy of my heart, and the boast of my tongue;
'Tis free grace alone, from the first to the last,
That wins the affections, and binds the soul fast.
Rise, my soul, thy God directs thee,
Stranger hands no more impede;
Pass thou on, His hand protects thee,
Strength that has the captive freed.
Is the wilderness before thee,
Desert land where drought abides?
Heavenly springs shall there restore thee,
Fresh from God's exhaustless tides.
Light divine surrounds thy going,
God Himself shall mark thy way;
Secret blessings, richly flowing,
Lead to everlasting day.
God, thine everlasting portion,
Feeds thee with the mighty's meat;
Price of Egypt's hard extortion,
Egypt's food no more to eat.
Art thou weaned from Egypt's pleasures?
God in secret thee shall keep,
There unfold His hidden treasures,
There His love's exhaustless deep.
In the desert God will teach thee
What the God that thou hast found,
Patient, gracious, powerful, holy,
All His grace shall there abound.
On to Canaan's rest still wending,
E'en thy wants and woes shall bring
Suited grace from high descending,
Thou shalt taste of mercy's spring.
Though thy way be long and dreary,
Eagle strength He'll still renew:
Garments fresh and foot unweary
Tell how God hath brought thee through.
When to Canaan's long-loved dwelling
Love divine thy foot shall bring,
There, with shouts of triumph swelling,
Zion's songs in rest to sing
There no stranger-God shall meet thee,
Stranger thou in courts above,
He who to His rest shall greet thee,
Greets thee with a well-known love.
77 C.M.
Jesus! O name divinely sweet!
How soothing is the sound!
What joyful news, what heavenly power
In that blest name is found.
Our souls, as guilty and condemned,
In hopeless fetters lay;
Our souls with countless sins defiled
Of death and hell the prey.
Jesus, to purge away our guilt,
A willing victim fell,
And on His cross triumphant broke
The bands of death and hell.
O what blessings flow from grace,
Treasured up in Christ the Head!
He who perfected life's race
Bore sin's burden in our stead.
Christ our ransom doth appear
In the glorious courts above:
Righteousness divine we wear,
Loved with everlasting love.
79 S.M.
Rest of the saints above,
Jerusalem of God,
Who in thy palaces of love,
Thy golden streets have trod?
To me thy joy to tell,
Those courts secure from ill,
Where God Himself vouchsafes to dwell,
And every bosom fill.
Who shall to me that joy
Of saint-thronged courts declare;
Tell of that constant sweet employ
My spirit longs to share?
That rest secure from ill
No cloud of grief e'er stains,
Unfailing praise each heart doth fill,
And love eternal reigns.
The Lamb is there, my soul
There God Himself doth rest,
In love divine diffused through all
With Him supremely blest.
God and the Lamb 'tis well
I know that source divine
Of joy and love no tongue can tell,
Yet know that all is mine.
And see, the Spirit's power
Has ope'd the heavenly door,
Has brought me to that favoured hour
When toil shall all be o'er.
There on the hidden bread
Of Christ once humbled here
God's treasured store for ever fed,
His love my soul shall cheer.
Called by that secret name
Of undisclosed delight,
(Blest answer to reproach and shame)
Graved on the stone of white.
There in effulgence bright,
Saviour and Guide, with Thee
I'll walk, and in Thy heavenly light
Whiter my robe shall be.
There in th' unsullied way
Which His own hand hath dressed,
My feet press on where brightest day
Shines forth on all the rest.
But who that glorious blaze
Of living light shall tell,
Where all His brightness God displays,
And the Lamb's glories dwell?
(There only to adore,
My soul its strength may find,
Its life, its joy for evermore,
By sight nor sense defined.)
God and the Lamb shall there
The light and temple be,
And radiant hosts for ever share
The unveiled mystery.
On earth the song begins;
In heaven more sweet and loud
"To Him that cleansed our sins
By His atoning blood;
To Him," we sing in joyful strain,
"Be honour, power, and praise, Amen."
Alone He bare the cross,
Alone its grief sustained;
His was the shame and loss,
And He the victory gained;
The mighty work was all His own,
Tho' we shall share His glorious throne.
81 C.M.
Arm of the Lord, whose wondrous power
The world and all things made,
Thou art our Rock, our Shield, our Tower
Our ransom Thou hast paid.
Revealer of the Father's love,
His glory and His power;
Upholding all things now above,
Till the appointed hour
That hour when all Thy foes to Thee
A footstool shall be given;
Thy praise Thy people's food shall be;
Their place with Thee in heaven.
Jesus, Thou alone art worthy
Ceaseless praises to receive;
For Thy love and grace and goodness
Rise o'er all our thoughts conceive.
With adoring hearts, we render
Honour to Thy precious name,
Overflowing with Thy mercies,
Far and wide Thy worth proclaim.
Praise Him! praise Him! praise the Saviour,
Saints aloud your voices raise!
Praise Him! praise Him! till in heaven
Perfected we'll sing His praise.
83 C.M.
See! see, the blessed Saviour comes,
The God of love and grace;
With Him we spend eternity
In triumph and in praise.
For ever our still wondering eyes
Shall o'er His beauties rove;
To endless ages we'll adore
The riches of His love!
84 S.M.
We hear the words of love,
We gaze upon the blood,
We see the mighty sacrifice,
And we have peace with God.
'Tis everlasting peace!
Sure as Jehovah's name;
'Tis stable as His stedfast throne,
For evermore the same.
Our love is ofttimes low,
Our joy still ebbs and flows;
But peace with Him remains the same,
No change Jehovah knows.
We change He changes not;
Our Christ can never die:
His love, not ours, the resting-place,
We on His truth rely.
The cross still stands unchanged,
Though heaven is now His home;
The mighty stone is rolled away,
But yonder is His tomb!
And yonder is our peace,
The grave of all our woes;
We know the Son of God has come,
We know He died and rose.
We know He liveth now
At God's right hand above;
We know the throne on which He sits,
We know His truth and love!
O Lord, Thy love's unbounded!
So full, so vast, so free!
Our thoughts are all confounded
Whene'er we think of Thee:
For us Thou cam'st from heaven,
For us to bleed and die,
That purchased and forgiven,
We might ascend on high.
But oh! the hope of being
For ever with the Lord,
The joyful hope of seeing
That face for us so marred!
It fills our heart with comfort,
It fills our lips with praise,
So that amidst our sorrow
A joyful song we raise.
O Lamb of God, we thank Thee,
We bless Thy holy name;
Thy love once made Thee willing
To bear our sin and shame.
And now thy love is waiting
Thy saints like Thee to raise;
Firstborn of many brethren,
To Thee be all the praise.
O Lord! Thou now art seated,
Above the heavens, on high,
(The gracious work completed,
For which Thou cam'st to die);
To Thee our hearts are lifted,
While pilgrims wandering here,
For Thou alone art gifted
Our every weight to bear.
We know, Lord, Thou hast bought us,
And washed us in Thy blood;
We know Thy grace has brought us
As kings and priests to God.
We know that that blest morning,
Long looked for, draweth near,
When we, at Thy returning,
In glory shall appear.
O by Thy love constrain us,
And fix our hearts on Thee;
Let nothing henceforth pain us,
But that which paineth Thee;
Our joy, our blest endeavour,
Through suffering, conflict, shame,
To serve Thee, gracious Saviour,
And magnify Thy name.
In Jesus Himself (the Father's delight),
The saints, without blame, appear in God's sight;
And while He in Jesus our souls shall approve,
So long shall the Father continue His love.
In Jesus, free grace all blessings secures;
We know and rejoice that all things are ours;
And God from His purpose will never remove,
But love us, and bless us, and "rest in His love."
88 C.M.
O blessed Saviour, is Thy love
So great, so full, so free?
Fain would we have our thoughts, our hearts,
Our lives engaged with Thee.
We love Thee for the glorious worth
Which in Thyself we see:
We love Thee for that shameful cross,
Endured so patiently.
No man of greater love can boast
Than for His friend to die;
Thou for Thine enemies wast slain!
What love with Thine can vie?
Though in the very form of God,
With heavenly glory crowned,
Thou didst a servant's form assume,
Beset with sorrow round.
Thou wouldst like wretched man be made
In everything but sin,
That we as like Thee might become
As we unlike had been:
Like Thee in faith, in meekness, love,
In every beauteous grace;
From glory into glory changed,
Till we behold Thy face.
O Lord! we treasure in our souls
The memory of Thy love;
And ever shall Thy name to us
A grateful odour prove.
89 C.M.
Hosanna to the King of kings!
The great incarnate Word!
Ten thousand songs and glories wait
The coming of our Lord!
Thy victories and Thine endless fame
Through the wide world shall run,
And everlasting ages sing
The triumphs Thou hast won.
90, P.M.
Glory, honour, praise, and power,
Be unto the Lamb for ever!
Jesus Christ is our Redeemer.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Praise we the Lord!
91 S.M.
O What a debt we owe
To Him who shed His blood,
And cleansed our souls, and gave us power
To stand before His God.
Saviour and Lord! we own
The riches of Thy grace;
For we can call Thy God, our God
Can bow before His face.
Thy Father, too, above,
We worship as our own,
Who gave with Thee the Spirit's cry,
To us His sons foreknown.
92 Iambic
How sweet away from self to flee,
And shelter in our Saviour;
Oh! precious grace, with Him's our place,
In God's eternal favour.
Jesus the goal before our soul,
The One we know in glory;
While we're on earth, we'd tell His worth,
A saved one's sweetest story.
From the palace of His glory,
From the home of joy and love,
Came the Lord Himself to seek us;
He would have us there above.
There from that eternal brightness
Have His thoughts flow'd forth in love;
He in His great love would have us
Ever there with Him above.
Trembling we had hoped for mercy
Some lone place within His door:
But the crown, the throne, the mansion,
All were ready long before.
And in past and distant ages,
In those courts so bright and fair,
Ere we were, was He rejoicing,
All He won with us to share.
94 S.M.
The Lord is risen indeed:
And all His work performed!
The captive Surety now is freed,
And death, our foe, disarmed.
The Lord is risen indeed:
He lives to die no more;
He lives His people's cause to plead,
Whose curse and shame He bore.
The Lord is risen indeed:
And death has lost its prey:
And with Him all the ransomed seed
Shall reign in endless day.
95 S.M.
Break forth and sing the song
Of "Glory to the Lamb!"
Wake every heart and every tongue
To praise the Saviour's name.
Sing of His dying love;
Sing of His rising power;
Song how He intercedes above
For those whose sins He bore.
Sing on your heavenly road,
Ye sons of glory, sing;
To the ascended Lamb of God,
Your cheerful praises bring.
Soon shall we hear Him say,
"Ye ransomed pilgrims, come";
Soon will He call us hence away,
And take us to His home.
Then shall each raptured tongue
His fullest praise proclaim;
And sweeter voices wake the song
Of "Glory to the Lamb!"
96 L.M.
The Saviour lives, no more to die;
He lives, our Head, enthroned in high;
He lives triumphant o'er the grave;
He lives eternally to save.
The chief of sinners He receives;
His saints He loves and never leaves;
He'll guard us safe from every ill,
And all His promises fulfil.
Abundant grace will He afford,
Till we are present with the Lord;
And prove what we have sung before,
That Jesus lives for evermore.
Then let our souls in Him rejoice,
And sing His praise with cheerful voice:
Our doubts and fears for ever gone,
For Christ is on the Father's throne.
97 L.M.
Blest Lamb of God! with grateful praise
Our voices now to Thee we raise
O'er earth to reign, redeemed by blood,
Kingdom and priests are we to God.
Soon, too, in glory shall we sing,
And louder praises to Thee bring,
While every nation, tongue and tribe,
Strength, glory, might, to Thee ascribe!
Amen! Amen!
O Lord, Amen!
Gazing on the Lord in glory,
While our hearts in worship bow,
There we read the wondrous story
Of the cross it's shame and woe.
Every mark of dark dishonour
Heaped upon the thorn-crown'd brow,
All the depths of Thy heart's sorrow
Told in answering glory now.
On that cross alone forsaken
Where no pitying eye was found;
Now to God's right hand exalted,
With Thy praise the heavens resound.
Did Thy God e'en then forsake Thee,
Hide His face from Thy deep need?
In Thy face, once marred and smitten,
All His glory now we read.
Gazing on it we adore Thee,
Blessed, precious, holy Lord;
Thou, the Lamb, alone art worthy,
This be earth's and heaven's accord.
Rise our hearts, and bless the Father,
Ceaseless song e'en here begun,
Endless praise and adoration
To the Father and the Son.
99 L.M.
On Christ salvation rests secure;
The Rock of Ages must endure;
Nor can that faith be overthrown
Which rests upon the "Living Stone."
No other hope shall intervene:
To Him we look, on Him we lean:
Other foundations we disown,
And build on Christ, the " Living Stone."
In Him, it is ordained to raise
A temple to Jehovah's praise,
Composed of all the saints, who own
No Saviour but the "Living Stone."
View the vast building, see it rise;
The work how great! the plan how wise!
O wondrous fabric! power unknown!
That rears it on the "Living Stone."
But most adore His precious name;
His glory and His grace proclaim;
For us, condemned, despised, undone,
He gave Himself, the "Living Stone."
100 L.M.
Now in a song of grateful praise,
To our dear Lord the voice we'll raise;
With all His saints we'll join to tell,
"Our Jesus hath done all things well."
All worlds His glorious power confess,
His wisdom all His works express;
But oh, His love! what tongue can tell?
"Our Jesus hath done all things well."
And since our souls have known His love,
What mercies has He made us prove,
Mercies which all our praise excel;
"Our Jesus hath done all things well."
And when on that bright day we rise,
And join the anthems of the skies,
In heavenly songs this note shall swell,
"Our Jesus hath done all things well."