1 NOT to ourselves we owe That we, O God, are Thine; Jesus the Lord, our night broke through, And gave us light divine.
2 The Father's grace and love This blessed mercy gave, And Jesus left the throne above, His wandering sheep to save.
3 No more the heirs of wrath --- Thy sovereign love we see; And, Father, in confiding faith We cast our souls on Thee.
4 Our hearts look up to see The glory Thou hast given, In spirit dwell where we shall be With Christ, Thine heirs, in heaven.
5 With the adopted band Soon shall we see Him there: With them and Him in glory stand, And in His honours share.
| Alternative tunes (S.M.)Austin |  |  | Boylston |  |  | Cambridge |  |  | Carlisle |  |  | Dennis |  |  | Fairhead |  |  | Falcon Street |  |  | Ferguson |  |  | Festal Song |  |  | Franconia |  |  | Huddersfield |  |  | Moreland |  |  | Rhodes |  |  | Russian |  |  | Scott |  |  | Silchester |  |  | Solyma |  |  | Spotless One |  |  | St. Ethelwald |  |  | St. Michael |  |  | St. Thomas |  |  | Trentham |  |  | Venice |  |  | Vigil |  |  |