STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 128: SEE mercy, mercy from on high

128: SEE mercy, mercy from on high

by R. Sandeman (1718-1771)

sung to Dusseldorf midi score
by Robert Schumann (1810-1856)

1 SEE mercy, mercy from on high
Descend to rebels doomed to die;
'Tis mercy free, which knows no bound;
How sweet, how pleasant is the sound!

2 Soon as the reign of sin began,
The light of mercy dawned on man,
When God announced the blessed news,
"The woman's Seed thy head shall bruise."

3 Brightly it beamed on men forlorn,
When Christ, the holy child, was born;
And brighter still in splendour shone
When Jesus, dying, cried, " 'Tis done".

4 Complete in power when He arose,
And burst the bands of all His foes,
Then captive led captivity,
And took for us His seat on high.

5 Till we around Him there shall throng,
This mercy shall be still our song:
For God shall every scheme confound
Of all that seek its course to bound.

Alternative tunes (L.M.)

Arizona midi score
Brookfield midi score
Deep Harmony midi score
Duke Street midi score
Federal Street midi score
Grateful Praise midi score
Hamburg midi score
Holley midi score
Hursley midi score
Living Springs midi score
Maryton midi score
Mendon midi score
Old Hundredth midi score
Pentecost midi score
Retreat midi score
Rockingham midi score
St. Clement midi score
Talis's Canon midi score
Vom Himmel Hoch midi score
Walton midi score
Wareham midi score
Warrington midi score
Whitburn midi score
Woodworth midi score
Zephyr midi score