S.M. sung to Moreland by Anonymous "Melodies and Chants" 1904 (S.M.) 1 WHOM have we, Lord, but Thee, Soul thirst to satisfy? Exhaustless spring! The waters free! All other streams are dry.
2 Our hearts by Thee are set On brighter things above; Strange that we ever should forget Thine own most faithful love.
3 Yet oft we credit not That Thou dost give as God, Though well we know our happy lot In trusting to Thy blood.
4 None like the ransomed host That precious blood have known; Redemption gives faith's holy boast To draw so near the throne.
5 Higher and higher yet! Pleading that same life-blood, We taste the love that knows no let, Of Abba, as of God.
| Alternative tunes (S.M.)Austin |  |  | Boylston |  |  | Cambridge |  |  | Carlisle |  |  | Dennis |  |  | Fairhead |  |  | Falcon Street |  |  | Ferguson |  |  | Festal Song |  |  | Franconia |  |  | Huddersfield |  |  | Rhodes |  |  | Russian |  |  | Scott |  |  | Silchester |  |  | Solyma |  |  | Spotless One |  |  | St. Ethelwald |  |  | St. Michael |  |  | St. Thomas |  |  | Summerfield |  |  | Trentham |  |  | Venice |  |  | Vigil |  |  |