1 O PATIENT, spotless One! Our hearts in meekness train, To bear Thy yoke, and learn of Thee, That we may rest obtain.
2 Jesus, Thou art enough The mind and heart to fill; Thy patient life --- to calm the soul; Thy love --- its fear dispel.
3 O fix our earnest gaze So wholly, Lord, on Thee, That, with Thy beauty occupied, We elsewhere none may see.
| Alternative tunes (S.M.)Austin |  |  | Boylston |  |  | Cambridge |  |  | Carlisle |  |  | Dennis |  |  | Fairhead |  |  | Falcon Street |  |  | Ferguson |  |  | Festal Song |  |  | Franconia |  |  | Huddersfield |  |  | Moreland |  |  | Rhodes |  |  | Russian |  |  | Scott |  |  | Silchester |  |  | Solyma |  |  | St. Ethelwald |  |  | St. Michael |  |  | St. Thomas |  |  | Summerfield |  |  | Trentham |  |  | Venice |  |  | Vigil |  |  |