STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 180: WE are but strangers here

180: WE are but strangers here

by T. R. Taylor

sung to Oak midi score
by C. F. Witt (1660-1716)

1 WE are but strangers here;
Heaven is our home;
Earth is a desert drear;
Heaven is our home.
Dangers and sorrows stand
Round us on every hand;
Heaven is our fatherland,
Heaven is our home.

2 What though the tempest rage,
Heaven is our home;
Short is our pilgrimage,
Heaven is our home:
This life's wild wintry blast
Soon will be overpast;
We shall reach home at last;
Heaven is our home.

3 There at our Saviour's side,
In heaven our home,
We shall be glorified;
Heaven is our home.
There with the good and blest,
Those we love most and best,
We shall for ever rest,
In heaven our home.

4 Therefore we'll murmur not,
Heaven is our home;
Whate'er our earthly lot,
Heaven is our home.
We shall yet surely stand
There at our Lord's right hand;
Heaven is our fatherland,
Heaven is our home.

Alternative tunes (

Bethany midi score
Lowry midi score