L.M. sung to Zephyr 1 LORD, we rejoice, that Thou art gone To sit upon Thy Father's throne; Thy path of shame and suffering o'er, Thy heart shall grieve and mourn no more. 2 With joy our wondering hearts retrace Thy ways on earth of power and grace; We sit as learners at Thy feet, Thy words than honey far more sweet. 3 We gaze with wonder at Thy cross, With all its suffering, shame and loss, Where Thou for us wast crucified, And for our sins a ransom died. 4 We love to look within the tomb, Robbed by Thy death of all its gloom, The stone for ever rolled away; Thy death the power of death did slay. 5 We joy to see Thee, Lord, arise Triumphant through the opening skies; And hear all heaven united own Thee worthy to ascend the throne. 6 Lord, now we wait for Thee to come, And take us to Thy Father's home; What everlasting joy 'twill be To spend eternity with Thee! | Alternative tunes (L.M.) |