STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 222: EVERLASTING glory be

222: EVERLASTING glory be

by J. Wilson Smith (1842-1922)

sung to Innocents midi score
by G. B. Pergolesi (1710-1736)

1 EVERLASTING glory be,
God and Father, unto Thee
'Tis with joy Thy children raise
Hearts and voices in Thy praise.

2 Thine the light that showed our sin,
Showed how guilty we had been:
Thine the love that us to save
Thine own Son for sinners gave.

3 Called to share the rest of God
In the Father's blest abode,
God of love and God of light,
In Thy praises we unite.

4 Gladly we Thy grace proclaim,
Knowing now the Father's name:
God and Father, unto Thee
Everlasting glory be!

Alternative tunes (7s.)

Brandenburg midi score
Clayton West midi score
Harts midi score
Hendon midi score
Lubeck midi score
Mozart midi score
St. Bees midi score