STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 228: JOIN all the glorious names

228: JOIN all the glorious names

by I Watts (1674-1748)

sung to Darwall midi score
by J. Darwall (1731-1789)

1 JOIN all the glorious names
Of wisdom, love, and power,
That mortals ever knew,
That angels ever bore;
All are too mean to speak His worth,
Too mean to set the Saviour forth.

2 Great Prophet of our God,
Our tongues must bless Thy name,
By whom the joyful news
Of free salvation came;
The joyful news of sins forgiven,
Of hell subdued, of peace with heaven.

3 Thou art our Counsellor,
Our Pattern and our Guide,
And Thou our Shepherd art,
Ah, keep us near Thy side;
Nor let our feet e'er turn astray
To wander in the crooked way.

4 We love the Shepherd's voice;
His watchful eye shall keep
Our pilgrim souls among
The thousands of God's sheep;
He feeds His flock, He calls their names,
And gently leads the tender lambs.

Alternative tunes (

Alban's midi score
Fairford midi score
Lenox midi score
Lischer midi score
Millennium midi score