1 O GRACIOUS Father, God of love, We own Thy power to save, That power by which the Shepherd rose Victorious o'er the grave.
2 Him from the dead Thou brought'st again, When, by His precious blood Confirmed and sealed for evermore, The eternal covenant stood.
3 O may Thy Spirit guide our souls, And mould them to Thy will, That from Thy paths we ne'er may stray, But keep Thy precepts still!
4 That to the Saviour's stature full We nearer still may rise, And all we think, or say, or do, Be pleasing in Thine eyes.
| Alternative tunes (C.M.)Abridge | | | Arlington | | | Attercliffe | | | Azmon | | | Barrow | | | Beatitudo | | | Belmont | | | Boardman | | | Claremont | | | Contemplation | | | Coventry | | | Crediton | | | Crimond | | | Cross | | | Dunfermline | | | Eagley | | | Evan | | | Fountain | | | French | | | Friedrich | | | Glasgow | | | Grafenberg | | | Home | | | Ignatius | | | Irish | | | Jackson's | | | Lloyd | | | Maitland | | | Manoah | | | Mapleton | | | Martyrdom | | | Merton | | | Miles' Lane | | | Milton | | | Nativity | | | Nottingham | | | Orlington | | | Ortonville | | | Paraclete | | | Remember Me | | | Richmond | | | Sawley | | | Spohr | | | St. Agnes | | | St. Anne | | | St. Peter | | | St. Stephen | | | Stracathro | | | Sympathy | | | Warwick | | | Wiltshire | | | Winchester Old | | |