STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 27: LAMB of God, our souls adore Thee

27: LAMB of God, our souls adore Thee

by James George Deck (1802-1884)

sung to Vision midi score
by G. C. Tullar (1869-1950)

1 LAMB of God, our souls adore Thee,
While upon Thy face we gaze;
There the Father's love and glory
Shine in all their brightest rays;
Thy almighty power and wisdom
All creation's works proclaim;
Heaven and earth alike confess Thee
As the ever great I AM.

2 Son of God, Thy Father's bosom
Ever was Thy dwelling-place;
His delight, in Him rejoicing,
One with Him in power and grace:
Oh, what wondrous love and mercy!
Thou didst lay Thy glory by,
And for us didst come from heaven,
As the Lamb of God to die.

3 Lamb of God, when we behold Thee
Lowly in the manger laid;
Wandering as a homeless Stranger,
In the world Thy hands had made;
When we see Thee in the garden
In Thine agony of blood,
At Thy grace we are confounded,
Holy, spotless, Lamb of God.

4 When we see Thee, as the Victim,
Nailed to the accursed tree,
For our guilt and folly stricken,
All our judgment borne by Thee,
Lord, we own with hearts adoring,
Thou hast washed us in Thy blood:
Glory, glory everlasting,
Be to Thee, Thou Lamb of God!

Alternative tunes (

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