STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 325: WE wait for Thee, O Son of God

325: WE wait for Thee, O Son of God

by Philip Freidrich Hiller (1699-1769)
tr. by Miss H. K. Burlingham.

sung to Jena midi score
by S. Gastorius (1646-1682)

1 WE wait for Thee, O Son of God,
And long for Thine appearing;
"A little while" --- Thou'lt come, O Lord,
Thy waiting people cheering.
Thus hast Thou said: we lift the head
In joyful expectation,
For Thou wilt bring salvation.

2 We wait for Thee, content to share
In patience, days of trial;
So meekly Thou the cross didst bear,
Our sin, reproach, denial.
How should not we receive with Thee
The cup of shame and sorrow,
Until the promised morrow?

3 We wait for Thee, for Thou, e'en here,
Hast won our hearts' affection;
In spirit still we find Thee near,
Our solace and protection.
In cloudless light and glory bright
We soon with joy shall greet Thee,
And in the air shall meet Thee.

4 We wait for Thee; Thou wilt arise
Whilst hope her watch is keeping;
Forgotten then, in glad surprise,
Shall be our years of weeping.
Our hearts beat high, the dawn is nigh
That ends our pilgrim story
In Thine eternal glory.