STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 337: O GOD of grace, our Father

337: O GOD of grace, our Father

by Samuel Prideaux Tregelles (1813-1875)

sung to Watcher midi score
by E. L. White

1 O GOD of grace, our Father,
All praise we give to Thee,
'Tis in Thy sovereign favour
All blessedness we see;
There only is the fountain
Whence living waters flow,
Which like a glorious river
Still gladden as they go.

2 As Thine, Thou didst foreknow us
From all eternity;
Thy chosen loved ones ever,
Kept present to Thine eye;
And when was come the moment,
Thou calling by Thy grace
Didst gently, firmly draw us
Each from his hiding-place.

3 Thy word, Thyself revealing,
Doth sanctify by truth,
Still leading on Thy children
With gentle heavenly growth:
Thus still the work proceedeth,
(The work begun by grace),
For each is meet, and training,
Father, to see Thy face.

Alternative tunes (

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Dublin midi score
Ellacombe midi score
Ewing midi score
Farewell midi score
Fulness midi score
Hankey midi score
Lancashire midi score
Llanelly midi score
Lymington midi score
Missionary midi score
Munich midi score
Passion Chorale midi score
Petition midi score
Remembrance midi score
Seine midi score
Sovereign Grace midi score
St. Christopher midi score
St. Hilda midi score
St. Theodulph midi score
Thankfulness midi score
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Work midi score