STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 341: O GRACIOUS God, Thy pleasure

341: O GRACIOUS God, Thy pleasure

by Miss C. Thompson (1822-1909)

sung to Day of Rest midi score
by J. W. Elliott (1833-1915)

1 O GRACIOUS God, Thy pleasure
Is in Thy Christ made known,
And tells the boundless measure
Of blessing for Thine own:
He has Thy presence entered,
As Man in heaven is known;
In Him Thy glory's centred,
In Him Thy purpose shown.

2 And oh, what love is beaming
Refulgent in that face!
What blessed light is streaming
From that most glorious place!
Both love and light proclaiming
What Thou, the Father, art,
And wondrous grace revealing,
With Thine own Son, our part.

3 Thou Source of every blessing;
Thou Spring of all delight;
Thy name with joy confessing
Let all the saints unite.
Each heart its praise outpouring
To Thee all praise above,
Each voice in strains adoring,
Re-echoes --- "God is love."

Alternative tunes (

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