sung to Praise My Soul 1 GRACIOUS Lord, my heart is fixed; Sing I will, and sing of Thee, Since the cup that justice mixed, Thou hast drunk, and drunk for me; Great Deliverer, Thou hast set the prisoner free. 2 Many were the chains that bound me, But the Lord has loosed them all; Arms of mercy now surround me, Favours these, nor few nor small; Saviour, keep me, Keep Thy servant lest he fall. 3 Fair the scene that lies before me; Life eternal Jesus gives; While He waves His banner o'er me, Peace and joy my soul receives: Sure His promise; I shall live because He lives. 4 When the world would bid me leave Thee, Telling me of shame and loss, Saviour, guard me, lest I grieve Thee, Lest I cease to love Thy cross; This is treasure; All the rest I count but loss. | Alternative tunes (