STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 390: THE perfect righteousness of God

390: THE perfect righteousness of God

by Albert Midlane (1825-1909)

sung to Mendon midi score
by Anonymous
Traditional German Melody arr. by S. Dyer (1785-1835)  (L.M.)

1 THE perfect righteousness of God
Is witnessed in the Saviour's blood;
'Tis in the cross of Christ we trace
His righteousness, yet wondrous grace.

2 God could not pass the sinner by,
Justice demands that he should die;
But in the cross of Christ we see
How God can save, yet righteous be.

3 The judgment fell on Jesus' head,
'Twas in His blood sin's debt was paid;
Stern Justice can demand no more,
And Mercy can dispense her store.

4 The sinner who believes is free,
Can say, "The Saviour died for me:"
Can point to the atoning blood,
And say, "This made my peace with God."

Alternative tunes (L.M.)

Arizona midi score
Brookfield midi score
Deep Harmony midi score
Duke Street midi score
Dusseldorf midi score
Federal Street midi score
Grateful Praise midi score
Hamburg midi score
Holley midi score
Hursley midi score
Living Springs midi score
Maryton midi score
Old Hundredth midi score
Pentecost midi score
Retreat midi score
Rockingham midi score
St. Clement midi score
Talis's Canon midi score
Vom Himmel Hoch midi score
Walton midi score
Wareham midi score
Warrington midi score
Whitburn midi score
Woodworth midi score
Zephyr midi score