STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 408: CHRIST is risen: sound His praise

408: CHRIST is risen: sound His praise

by Anonymous

sung to Harts midi score
by B. Milgrove (1731-1810)

1 CHRIST is risen: sound His praise;
He the sleeping saints will raise;
Grave, boast not of victory,
Christ arose and vanquished thee.

2 Christ is risen: come He will,
Cease our tears, our sighs be still;
Christ those bars of death will break ---
Bid His own their graves forsake.

3 Christ is risen; His own voice
Shall our longing hearts rejoice;
We shall see Him face to face;
Glory soon shall crown His grace.

Alternative tunes (7s.)

Brandenburg midi score
Clayton West midi score
Hendon midi score
Innocents midi score
Lubeck midi score
Mozart midi score
St. Bees midi score