1 GLADLY let us join to sing, Heart and lips united bring, In a strain of sweet accord To our Saviour, Christ the Lord.
2 Crowned above in heavenly light, What an all-transcending sight! Worthy Lord, we bow the knee, Power and praise belong to Thee.
3 Chiefest name in earth or heaven To the Son of man is given; Hallelujah! nought shall claim Higher glory than Thy name.
4 Now, O Lord, we sing to Thee, Thou our song eternally; When above on Thee we gaze, Heaven shall swell with perfect praise.
| Alternative tunes (7s.)Clayton West |  |  | Harts |  |  | Hendon |  |  | Innocents |  |  | Lubeck |  |  | Mozart |  |  | St. Bees |  |  |