424: THOUGH faint yet pursuing we go on our way by Anonymous 1 THOUGH faint yet pursuing we go on our way; The Lord is our leader, our stronghold and stay; Though suffering and sorrow and trial we bear, The Lord is our refuge, and whom shall we fear?
2 He raiseth the fallen, He cheereth the faint; If the weak are oppressed, He hears their complaint; The way may be dreary, and thorny the road, But why should we falter? Our help is in God.
3 And to His green pastures our footsteps He leads; His flock in the desert how kindly He feeds! The lambs in His bosom He tenderly bears, And brings back the wanderers safe from the snares.
4 Though clouds may surround us, our God is our light; Though storms rage around us, our God is our might; So faint yet pursuing, still onward we move, The Lord is our leader; our home is above.
5 And there shall His people eternally dwell With Him who has led them so safely and well; The toilsome way over, the wilderness passed, And Canaan the blessed is theirs at the last.
| Alternative tunes (11s.)Clarendon Street |  |  | Hiding in Thee |  |  | Sweet Home |  |  |