STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 44: MAKER of earth and heaven

44: MAKER of earth and heaven

by Henry Ware (1794-1843) Iambic

sung to Cyprus midi score
by Anonymous
Greek Melody from W. Gawler  ( Iambic)

1 MAKER of earth and heaven,
Whose arm upholds creation,
To Thee we raise the voice of praise,
And bend in adoration.
We praise the power that made us;
We praise the love that blesses;
While every day that rolls away,
Thy gracious care confesses.

2 Though trials and affliction
May cast their shadows o'er us,
Thy love doth throw a heavenly glow
Of light on all before us;
That love has smiled from heaven,
To cheer our path of sadness,
And lead the way through earth's dark day
To realms of joy and gladness.

3 The light of love and glory
Has shone through Christ our Saviour,
The Crucified --- who lived and died,
That we might live for ever.
And since Thy great compassion
Thus brings Thy children near Thee,
May we to praise devote our days,
And keep for ever near Thee.

Alternative tunes ( Iambic)

Victory midi score
Worship midi score