P.M. sung to Lobe den Herren by Anonymous "Stralsund Gesangbuch", 1665 (P.M.) 1 JESUS, God's Lamb, in the midst Of the throne Thou art crowned; Thou once on Calvary sufferedst, Of man the disowned; Worthy art Thou, Glory encircles Thy brow, Son of the Father enthroned.
2 We Thy beloved assembled Remember Thy dying; Unto the death of our Lord Our full hearts are replying; Thou hast loved us, Jesus, who gav'st Thyself thus; We on Thy love are relying.
3 Here upon earth till Thy coming Thy death we are showing; But unto Thee in the glory Our hearts are outgoing; To Thee above, Centre of glory and love, Gladly our worship is flowing.
| Alternative tunes (P.M.)Christ Arose |  |  | Collooney |  |  | Hallelujah |  |  | Malan |  |  | Nicolai |  |  | Only Remembered |  |  | Resurrection Life |  |  | St. Denio |  |  | Zion |  |  |