sung to St. Alphege 1 LORD Jesus, homeless Stranger, Thou dearest Friend to me, An outcast in a manger, That Thou might'st with us be; 2 We gaze upon Thy meekness, The manger and the cross; We cling to Thee in weakness Through suffering, pain, and loss. 3 We see the Godhead-glory Shine through that human veil; And, willing, hear the story Of love come here to heal. 4 But who Thy path of service, Thy steps removed from ill, Thy patient love to serve us, With human tongue can tell? 5 'Mid sin, and all corruption, Where hatred did abound, Thy path of true perfection Shed light on all around. 6 O'er all, Thy perfect goodness Rose blessedly divine; Poor hearts oppressed with sadness Found ever rest in Thine. | Alternative tunes (