STEM Publishing : hymns : Spiritual Songs : 499: O WONDROUS Saviour! Jesus, Lord

499: O WONDROUS Saviour! Jesus, Lord

by Miss S. M. Walker (1848-1918)

sung to St. Aidan midi score
by Anonymous
Adapted from "St. Aidan"  (

1 O WONDROUS Saviour! Jesus, Lord,
Worthy alone to be adored,
We worship Thee!
Thou holy, spotless Son of God,
To Thee the incarnate living Word,
All glory be.

2 In Thee all human graces blend,
And to Thy Father e'er ascend,
As incense rare;
Fragrant to Him Thou ever art,
Source of rejoicing to His heart,
Most sweet and fair.

3 Fairer than all the sons of men,
Beyond all praise of tongue or pen,
Thou peerless One!
In grace, in patient tenderness,
In truth, in holy faithfulness,
Thine equal --- none!

4 Matchless, incomparable, divine! ---
In Jesus all perfections shine ---
Oh, blessed Name!
How shall we tell its worth abroad,
How tell the praises of our Lord,
Or spread His fame?

5 This, this shall be our endless theme,
When glorified we share with Him
The Father's home.
And see in blessed wondrous grace
Our God revealed in Jesus' face,
Lord Jesus, come!