
Deep personal joy in Christ is a very quiet, unexpressed thing. Where there is great fervour in expression there is not likely to be much depth, though there may be real conviction. Demonstration rather expresses first discovery, than a home sense of personal enjoyment. How much demonstration and rapture do we exhibit to our most beloved friends when we are at home with one another? When we meet them after an absence, there may be rapture, but this is an evidence that there has been absence. Alas we are often absent from our Lord; and the renewed sense of His presence may doubtless produce rapture in its contrast from what has gone before; but it is the lower thing, and the restful enjoyment of His personal nearness the greater thing. Let us therefore not make everything of rapture, but rise from it to the deeper occupation of abiding communion with Him. It is from this communion that the service ought to flow.

Now sensationalism is one of the means by which Satan is blinding the minds of the people of the world in this day. And may not this in a specious form enter into spiritual things? Was there none of it in the revival meetings? Is there not a leaven of it now? And should not souls see that their rapture and delight is not in that in which the flesh takes delight? (Extract from "A Voice to the Faithful," 1866).