R. K. Wilson.
There is a plain path marked out for the individual in 2 Tim., but for coming together in assembly 1 Cor. guides all in every place, till the Lord come. We read of the commandments of the Lord, and the Lord's Supper. In Luke 22 we have the Passover aspect of the Lord's death: 1 Cor. 5 gives the Passover in its application to Christians. We are to keep the feast of unleavened bread! Evil is judged, all that man is, exposed and put away. The priests and Judas seeking to destroy Jesus showed what was in the heart of man. The Lord's Supper, given in connection with the Passover in the night of Christ's betrayal, speaks of the love of Christ and the love of God. If the Passover aspect of Christ's death tells us that the ground is cleared, the Lord's Supper tells us who occupies the ground! The Lord fills every eye. 1 Cor. 10 teaches how Christ's death shuts the door on all not of God. Christians are shut up to Christ. They have a full cup of blessing! In 1 Cor. 1:9, we are called into the fellowship of God's Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. In 1 Cor. 11, we are shut in with Christ; His death opens the door to all that is of God. In 1 Cor. we read of God's assembly, God's temple and Christ's body; it is holy ground! The Holy Spirit has taken up his abode in the saints. Holiness and love were wanting at Corinth. Love builds up. It is the bond of perfectness, holding all together. 1 Cor. 12, 13, 14, tell us how saints are edified. There is no arrangement nor president; not even elders are spoken of in 1. Cor. In 1 Cor. 15, all have the gospel as Paul received it and preached it: Christ's death, burial and resurrection, and the seven witnesses that Christ is raised from the dead. Thrice we read of "the first day of the week." In John 20, we have the disciples together and Jesus in the midst; peace and gladness filling their hearts. In Acts 20, they came together on the first day of the week to break bread; not because Paul was there, but as their custom. In 1 Cor. 16, it is in connection with the collection for the poor saints. In a day of ruin we have to turn to the scriptures for directions as to God's order in His house as Ezra did. There was one centre for God's earthly people. Christ is our centre and our altar. Let us go forth therefore unto Him without the camp bearing His reproach!
(Extracts from the late R. K. Wilson).