Bible Treasury, Volume 2, 2nd Edition, February 1858.
2. Five Letters on Worship and Ministry in the Spirit. (London: George Morrish, 24 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row. W. H. Broom, 112 Pentonville Road.)
It is with great pleasure that we recommend to our readers this plain, sound, and seasonable tract. The letters were bona fide communications from the author to Christians, in whose midst he had been labouring, and whose help, and profit, and continued blessing, he was seeking thus to promote. It seems from the preface that some alterations have been made here and there, but the letters still carry with them their original tone of affectionate interest, such as could hardly be in papers written with a view to publication. This will not detract from their worth in the eyes of most Christians. The general heads are, 1. God present in the assembly; 2. The Church edified by gifts; 3. How to distinguish the guidance of the Spirit, negative marks; 4. Do., positive marks; and 5. Miscellaneous observations on the mutual dependence of saints in meetings for mutual edification, and on other subjects. It will be seen that the aim is eminently practical.