1906 131 The Papal Commission appointed to consider what shall be the attitude of the hierarchy towards the critics' treatment of the Books of Moses has issued its Report,* which has been confirmed by Pius X.
The commission is of opinion that —
1. The arguments of modern critics in derogation of the Mosaic authority of the Pentateuch are not of such weight as to set aside the internal evidence of the sacred books themselves, which supports the constant conviction of the Jewish people and uninterrupted Church tradition. These books have Moses for their author and have not been put together from sources for the most part of later date than his time.
2. Moses did not write every thing in the Pentateuch with his own hand, or dictate the whole to secretaries. But to such he entrusted the editing of his work, and they gave faithful expression to his thought, without addition or omission. After obtaining Moses' approval of it they published in his name the work so framed by them.
3. Moses in composing his work made use of sources — written documents or oral traditions — under Divine inspiration, and conformably to the purpose which he had in view, so as either to adopt the wording or only the sense, abridging or amplifying as required.
4. In the long course of centuries the Pentateuch has undergone some modifications, such as additions by an inspired author or glosses and explanations interpolated, or words and forms converted from an older into a later style, besides faulty readings due to unskilful scribes. It is for criticism to use the rules of its art to ascertain and determine such modifications.
From this it will be seen that the Romanist "authorities" are in line with the views which prevail in conservative Protestant circles in this country, and encouragement may be derived from this announcement in view of the known wish of the present Pope to promote the study of the Bible, which so far does not seem to have become effective, as far as execution of it by the priests is concerned. Does not the above Report give the blush to action taken by English "Fathers in God," or the Boards of Study in the Universities, to promote acquaintance with the critical dissection of the Old Testament and negative treatment of its contents? E. E. Whitfield.
{*Of which the full text is here given: —
"Propositis sequentibus dubiis Consilium Pontificium pro studiis de re biblica provehendis respondendum censuit prout sequitur:
"1. Utrum argumenta a criticis congesta ad impugnandam authentiam Mosaicam sacrorum Librorum, qui Pentateuchi nomine designantur, tanti sint ponderis, ut posthabitis quampluribus testimoniis utriusque Testamenti collective sumptis, perpetua consensione populi Iudaici, Ecclesiae quoque constanti traditione nec non indiciis internis quae ex ipso textu eruuntur, ius tribuant affirmandi hos libros non Moysen habere auctorem, sed ex fontibus maxima ex parte aetate Mosaica posterioribus fuisse confectos?
"Resp. Negative.
"2. Utrum Mosaica authentia Pentateuchi talem necessario postulet redactionem totius operis, ut prorsus tenendum sit Moysen omnia et singula manu sua scripsisse vel amanuensibus dictasse; an etiam eorum hypothesis permitti possit qui existimant eum opus ipsum a se sub divinae inspirationis afflatu conceptum alteri vel pluribus scribendum commisisse, ita tamen ut sensa sua fideliter redderent, nihil contra suam voluntatem scriberent, nihil omitterent; ac tandem opue hac ratione confectum ab eodem Moyse principe inspiratoque auctore probatum, ipsiusmet nomine vulgaretur?
"Resp. Negative ad primam partem, affirmative ad secundam.
"3. Utrum absque praeiudicio Mosaicae authentiae Pentateuchi concedi possit Moysen ad suum conficiendum opus fontes adhibuisse, scripta videlicet documenta vel orales traditiones, ex quibus, secundum peculiarem scopum sibi propositum et sub divinae inspirationis afflatu, nonnulla hauserit eaque ad verbum vel quoad sententiam, contracta vel amplificata, ipsi operi inseruerit?
"Resp. Affirmative.
"4. Utrum, salva substantialiter Mosaica authentia et integritate Pentateuchi, addmitti possit tam longo saeculorum decursu nonnullas ei modificationes obvenisse, uti: additamenta post Moysi mortem vel ab auctore inspirato apposita, vel glossas et explicationes textui interiectas; vocabula quaedam et formas e sermone antiquato in sermonem recentiorem translatas; mendosas demum lectiones vitio amanuensium adscribendas, de quibus fas sit ad norma artis criticae disquirere et iudicare?
"Resp. Affirmative, salvo Ecclesiae iudicio."}