
"For where two or three are gathered together in" (or to) "my name,
there am I in the midst of them." - Matt. 18:20.

Gathered to Thy name, Lord Jesus,
Gathered in Thy grace;
In obedient love, O Saviour,
Till we see Thy face.

Gathered by the Holy Spirit
To remember Thee;
Through Thy word, most sweet and precious,
Gathered would we be.

Round Thy table, O Lord Jesus,
That is now our place;
On it emblems of Thy sorrow,
Love divine, we trace.

Round Thy table, oh, the sweetness
Of remembering Thee!
"In the midst," such is Thy promise,
Thee by faith we see.

Death most precious, love exceeding,
All our hearts conceive;
Bread and wine the simple "emblems"
We from Thee receive.

Oh, Thy wondrous love, Lord Jesus!
Gathered ones, we taste -
What Thou wast in perfect manhood,
Godhead manifest.
* * * * * *
Gathered thus to show Thy death, Lord,
Till Thou com'st again;
Gathered as Thy word would have us,
Raise our happy strain.

Praise and worship, adoration,
All belong to Thee;
Thou art worthy, Thou, Lord Jesus,
All we owe to Thee.

Soon, oh, soon we shall be gathered
In our Father's home!
Round Thee, like Thee, with Thee ever,
Never more to roam.
1883. T. E. P.

There is nothing like the cross. It is both the righteousness of God against sin, and the righteousness of God in pardoning sin. It is the end of the world of judgment, and the beginning of the world of lifeā€¦ If a person follows the world, he is an enemy of the cross of Christ. As Christians we have to look into it - how far this vain show puts a spider-film over our hearts. If I take the glory of the world that crucified Christ, I am glorying in my shame.