C. A. W.
Christian Friend vol. 14, 1887, p. 25.
THOUGH with colours torn, 'tis a homeward march,
Soon the golden gates will be entered;
They await the, palm, the triumphal arch,
When each eye on the Victor is centred.
The darkness deepens on every side,
And the tempter their faith would weaken;
But day by day through those portals wide,
More brightly shineth their beacon.
For the goal in glory before then gleams,
Where the Saviour Himself is their treasure,
And the onward path of suffering seems
Unworthy with Him to measure.
Lord, fill our hearts, if on earth we stay,
With an eager and earnest yearning
To press toward the mark, whilst we watch and pray,
For the hour of Thy blest returning.
Not pausing to rest in a scene like this,
Nor to dwell on the wilderness sorrow,
Lest the beaten pathway our feet should miss,
With its light of a coining morrow.
Ah! keep our eyes on the Victor's face,
Where confidence ne'er can be shaken,
That with fleeter step we may run the race,
Till to heavenly bliss we are taken. C. A. W.