OH, scenes of heavenly joy!
The Father's house above,
Where cloudless peace without alloy
Dwells in that home of love.
There glory bright and fair
Shines with celestial beam;
For He who suffered once is there,
The centre and the theme.
The Father's full delight
Circles around the Son,
And countless tongues in heaven unite
To tell what He hath done.
The Lamb enthroned is there,
And doth engage each heart.
There myriad saints Christ's likeness bear,
And have with Him their part.
And, oh! what heavenly light
Enraptured ones behold,
And enter 'midst that glory bright
To joys on joys untold.
There holiness most bright
Each brow before Him wears;
While clothed in robes than snow more white
The ransomed saint appears.
The Lamb's full glories shine,
Each saint reflects a ray,
Like gems illum'd by light divine,
Lustrous through endless day.
Praise Him who made us meet
With saints in light to dwell;
We'll cast our crowns before His feet,
Whose love we know so well.
E'en now we taste the love,
And know the mighty power,
By which we'll rise to realms above
When waiting time is o'er.
Praise Him again, again,
Who did the cross endure;
In Him the yea, in Him amen,
Praise Him for evermore. T. W. P.