Melody - "The Christian's Goodnight."
LORD JESUS CHRIST, in glorious worth made known,
In truth and love revealed, the Father's Son;
In Thee, by Thee, the Father's will is done;
Thy Father rests in Thee.
We bless Thee for the deep, unbounded grace
That brought Thee down, Lord, from Thy glory's place,
E'en where, from Thee, Thy God must hide His face;
Thy God forsaking Thee.
'T is finished now; Thy witness-works are done
Works given by the Father to the Son.
Thou, Lord, through shame, through death,
Thy meed hast won; Power, praise, belong to Thee.
All power is Thine, in heaven and in earth;
Lord Jesus Christ, Thy name, Thy glorious worth,
Must be proclaimed, till all the scene of dearth
Is filled with song for Thee.
Thy Father's house, to Thee, Lord, known so well,
Its glories Thou, the "Stranger" here, didst tell;
And there Thine own, in bliss, with Thee shall dwell,
For ever, Lord, with Thee.
The home of love, the harvest-fields, are Thine;
Thine to dispense the "gifts" - corn, oil, and wine;
For, first and last, in His complete design,
Thy God exalteth Thee.
'T is bliss with Thee, for Thee, O Lord, to live;
By Thee delight to God, Thy God, to give;
From life's own Fount for ever to receive
Grace, truth - God's praise of Thee.
Thou, shorn by men of all Thy due, wert "dumb";
But now God's answer to Thy woes hath come;
His glory tells for evermore the sum
Of joy, His joy, in THEE. W. K. B. E. Halsdon, March, 1894