"Arise, Let Us Go Hence"

"If ye loved Me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father." John 14:28.
No longer here art Thou,
Lord Jesus, nor alone.
Thy work well done - Thou restest now,
Crowned, on Thy Father's throne.

Exalted there, enthroned,
Thy toil and sufferings o'er,
At God's right hand Thou, Lord, art owned,
Most blessed evermore.

"Friend" in our sorest need,
For us Thou cam'st to die
The Just for the unjust indeed -
To God to make us nigh.

To Calvary Thou wert led,
The Victim on the tree;
Thou, Lord, hast suffered in our stead -
God's wrath was borne by Thee.

God raised Thee from the tomb,
He opened heaven for Thee;
Earth for Thy presence had no room,
Thou high o'er all must be.

Thee, precious Lord, we love,
With Thee we now rejoice;
Thou 'rt to Thy Father gone, above,
He always hears Thy voice.

Saints, angels, seraphim,
Together praise Thy name.
Ascribing glory unto Him
Who is, and was, "The Same."

Praise unto Thee we bring,
We worship and adore.
Thy praise, O Christ of God, we sing
Now and for evermore.

Glad will that moment be
When Thou wilt take us home.
Thy blood-bought bride, from earth set free,
Shall share Thy wondrous throne.

Soon shall we see Thy face,
Be with Thee where Thou art.
Oh, God! the glory of Thy grace
Eternally our part! M. S. S. (revised).