"Freely ye have received; freely give."
Christ's perfect excellence alone
By God Himself is fully known,
To whom He yielded up in death
A life undimmed by sin's least breath.
For us that spotless life was given;
For us the temple veil was riven;
God now on us shines forth in grace,
Accepted in His Son's own place.
To God in Christ now brought, we see
What fills with peaceful ecstasy,
All who at Jesus' feet abide,
With goodness won, and satisfied.
No distance now; no fears, nor woes,
No obstacle can interpose
To daunt or lure the restful hearts,
Whom from their Saviour nothing parts.
Converse with God in daily life,
'Mid - yet above - earth's fields of strife,
Makes fat the bones, and tunes with praise
Our lips and lives for endless days.
Filled full in Christ, our spirits still
Freely acquire, of God's good-will,
Rich, fresh supplies from stores divine
While feasting in that House of Wine.
Here resting, we are ever taught
To own as His, all to us brought
By His own hand: Lord, still we yearn
More of Thy blessedness to learn,
That, blessed with Christ, these blessings we
May in our ways show forth for Thee:
Some small return allowed to make
Of love, thus loved for Jesus' sake. W. C. C-B-C.