Job 9:8-12.
Saviour! Thy sovereign skill,
Thine all-controlling word,
Thy holy "Peace, be still,"
O'er all the storm is heard.
Thou dost the billows tread,
Thy way is in the deep:
Thou, risen from the dead,
Dost love's whole vigil keep.
Tempests obey Thy voice,
Cease, and there is a calm,
Sure as Thy word, "Rejoice,"
Sweet as Thy Gilead's balm.
Thou art Thyself our Peace,
Conflicts must end in Thee.
Thou makest strife to cease:
Thou settest captives free.
Thou art Thyself our life:
Lord, when Thou shalt appear,
Then shall the Lamb's own wife,
Shine as Thy fair compeer.
Hope of our hearts art Thou:
Thy corning forth again
Dawns on faith's vision now
Come, Saviour, come: Amen. H. K. B. March, 1895.