Behold thy King cometh unto thee, Jerusalem!
He cometh - just, and having salvation,
Lowly - riding upon an ass:
Come forth, Jerusalem, to meet Him.
See the children how they cry to Him, Hosanna!
See the multitude proclaim Him Son of David!
Wherefore, daughter of Zion, holdest thou thy peace?
Wilt thou not say to Him, Lo! Thou art our God,
We long for Thee have waited?
Wilt thou not say of Him, Blessed is He who cometh -
Cometh in the name of Jehovah?
* * * * * *
How shall we say of Him that He is our God?
Have not our fathers told us?
Have not our prophets prophesied unto us?
Say they not that we shall have a King?
Who is this Nazarene, the Son of Joseph?
Is not "His name Jesus?"
The prophets never spake of such.
"His name shall be called Wonderful,
Counselor, the MIGHTY GOD, the Everlasting FATHER,
The Prince of Peace":
As to this Man, we know not who He is.
* * * * * *
O Jesus! wherefore this Thy name?
This name, which, so despised, yet
Is as ointment poured forth.
The nameless One of whom the prophet spake
That He should be "despised" and not "esteemed";
That He, the fair "green tree," should be
But as "a root out of dry ground"
That He should be a "Man of sorrows,"
And from Him all faces should be "hid"
All faces; even the face of Him who loved Him -
How should men recognize in Him
The King - the King of kings - the Lord of lords?
Yet was He "bruised for our iniquities,"
For our transgressions "wounded";
For us He took this name unspoken of,
That He might save us from our sins.
Oh, mystery of godliness!
God manifest in the flesh: He who, in form of God,
Found it no robbery to be equal with God,
Yet emptied Himself.
Oh! mystery of godliness!
That Jesus should become a servant
That Jesus should become obedient
Obedient unto death, even the death of the cross!
Ah! therefore doth His Father love Him
With love unutterable.
His former love incomprehensible; yet of it do we read
That in this Son the Father found ineffable "delight"
Ere time was; in Him He did rejoice
"In the beginning of His way"; He
Was the "Son of His love" ere He established the ends of the earth.
Such glimpses are revealed to us.
But of this new love - it,
Like the name that won it, is unspoken.
It is the new name which none, but He who hath it, knoweth;
The name that giveth joy, with which no stranger intermeddleth;
The name which He to win did to the depths descend.
And for this cause God did Him high exalt,
And gave Him gladly* such a name that all must bow to -
"A name which is above every name."
Ah! 't is not coldly given, because it is His due,
And may not be withheld.
No; but out of that unspoken love the Father seeketh
The gift that doth beseem the Son He loves;
And there He finds a name, borne
Amid sorrow, suffering, shame
A name that now pre-eminent shall shine
Above all names in glory
The name of Jesus.
And that He gladly gives
To Him "whom the King delighteth to honour."
* * *
O Jesus, Lord! Thou knowest that I love Thee,
Teach me in my poor heart to honour Thee!
Fain would I do so.
I know a willing spirit Thou dost find,
But oft therewith the flesh is weak, and hinders.
Constrain me with Thy love: make me to please Thee,
To work for Thee, to wait for Thee, till the day dawn -
The day wherein mine eyes at length shall gaze upon
"The Man whom the King delighteth to honour"
Even Jesus - Jesus - Jesus! J. S. Oliphant.