"There are two ways of reading Scripture - devotional and systematic study. In the former I listen to what the Lord communicates, and look to Him to produce in me the suited effect of His truth by the working of His Spirit. Thus I become formed by the truth, and worship and holiness of life result. In the latter I search, compare, and examine to discover His mind, and what is taught on any given subject; and I look to Him to give me understanding by the Spirit, to preserve me from error, and to enable me to form His own judgment - to discover and to hold the truth in a divine way. Dependence is, therefore, of all importance, combined with an ungrieved Spirit."
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"If we do not digest what we hear we shall have light without power. To be wholly for the Lord in the power of the Holy Ghost should be our aim, and we should constantly look to the Lord to keep this end before our souls. Christ Himself, and the knowledge of Himself, are beyond all else. To hear, and to enjoy hearing, the truth, is a very different thing from living it out. The former often brings into favour, the latter entails the cross."
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"Here it will be still toil and labour, in the midst of opposition, till He comes who shall take us up to be with Him in God's rest. If we can only glorify Him meanwhile, all is well. What else have we to do?"