"ALTHOUGH my heart is bowed 'neath sorrows' weight,
Father, Thou knowest that with lips unfeigned
I would declare Thy will both wise and good
Would wait upon Thee for the patient grace
To bide Thy time, when all Thy purposes,
Thy counsels deep, shall clearly be revealed,
Thy wisdom justified, Thy love well read,
In all the path Thine own have ever trod.
Now faith's sole work is only Thee to trust,
Looking off things around to things above.
'T is no new way Thy children have to tread,
It is the royal highway to Heaven!
The blessed feet of Thine own Son have marked
Faith's footprints in the way (as in all else
In suffering perfect was Thy well-Beloved).
The sons He brings to glory, must follow
In the self-same track - faith's path alone;
Trusting, waiting, leaving all to Thee,
Peace shall keep the mind thus stayed on Thee,
Although the tear may gush again, e'en till the day
When Thine own hand shall wipe all tears away."
(The author of these lines is not known by the Editor; some reader may perhaps be able to give the information.)