When the work of creation was finished, we read, in Genesis 1:31, that “God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good.”
But when the work of redemption shall be completed, and all its infinitely greater wonders accomplished, “He shall see,” we read in Isaiah 53:11, “of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied.”
He declared the work of His hand to be very good, but in the travail of His soul He shall find satisfaction. The first, spite of its creation-beauty, was speedily marred by sin. Soon Satan introduced, through the first man, the evil that was to demoralize and alienate the whole scene.
God’s Sabbath, his rest in creation, was broken by sin; and the verdict just pronounced had thenceforth to be changed from “very good” to very bad, as man, the master-piece, dragged down in his fall that creation over which he had been placed. The beautiful work of God’s hand was spoiled, as it were, in a moment.
Yet this very creation waits for its deliverance, and shall share in the liberty of the glory of the sons of God. (See Romans 8.)
When they shall be manifested in the glory of their Redeemer—Himself the chief and firstborn—then creation shall break her chains of bondage, and enjoy the liberty of glory together with them.
Their bodies, likewise, await adoption. Redemption in power shall be applied to them. The dead shall be raised, the living changed, and all that is mortal shall be swallowed up in life.
Christ shall present the Church unto Himself, “a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing.” The wide creation—things in heaven and things on earth—shall yet be reconciled. Satan shall be vanquished, death destroyed, a new heaven and a new earth shall be indwelt by righteousness, and all things shall be made new.
The sore travail of Calvary, the redeeming work of the Lamb of God, shall assuredly cause this to come about. He shall look back to that awful moment when each intelligence, Satanic and human, was arrayed against Him; when, together with inconceivable physical suffering, He endured the wrath of God against sin—He shall look back on this, I say, as the occasion of His greatest moral victory. “He shall see of the travail of His soul and shall be satisfied.” Blessed Victim! glorious and worthy Victor! All praise be His!